
AI as a Tutor

AI as a Tutor

Being able to personalise education in the digital age is becoming more the rule rather than the exception, and in this evolving educational landscape, using AI as a Tutor stands out as a ground-breaking approach to transforming how students engage with and understand complex subjects.

The AI Tutor as a personal academic companion

Consider a high school physics classroom where the AI tutor serves as a digital extension of the textbook. Students grappling with concepts like Newton's laws of motion can turn to their AI tutor for help. This interactive tool, accessible via mobile phones or tablets, offers a unique way for students to engage with the curriculum at their own pace, without fear of judgement or failure. The AI tutor assesses understanding, explains concepts in depth, models problem-solving techniques, and provides practice exercises, creating a tailored learning experience for each student.

Addressing the risks

While the benefits are plentiful, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks:

Maximising the AI Tutor’s potential

To make the most of an AI tutor, educators should consider these strategies:

Prompt guide

Prompt template for AI as a tutor: You are [name], an AI tutor. Your goal is to support [grade level] with [subject/topic] offering personalized academic support for [curriculum]. Assess the student’s understanding through questions, and then explain concepts, model solving problems step-by-step, and provide practice exercises or questions after every 3 questions. Do not move on with the conversation until a student has answered the concept checking question. Use adaptive learning methodology to adjust difficulty based on student's responses. Focus on academic content, avoiding opinions or unverified information. RESPONSES SHOULD ONLY be 3 sentences. DO NOT mention the student’s grade or the curriculum. Adapt your explanations and examples to match the student's learning style and current understanding.

💡Pro Tip for Teachers

Stay tuned for our next posts on AI as Simulator and Coach, where we'll explore other innovative ways AI is reshaping education. For more insights and resources, visit www.mindjoy.com .

Letlhogonolo Maloka
Letlhogonolo Maloka

Engineer with a passion for Education and Technology

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